Friday, March 6, 2009

Virtual Va-jay-jay

Editorial note: Trying out an edgier tone with this one...


Like a tongue over a seam

my skin folds and pussy opens

in the ache between

cock and hole

how skin hurts because skin

isn’t doing what it’s told

how brain and mind illuminate,

like a paper lantern,

the curvy form and mold

that is passed by

like a firefly

like a sailor drunk at port;

how like a novel trick

completion is forgotten

like barroom pack of matches

fighting for oxygen

at the bottom of the junk drawer.


  1. Woah, disturbing pic. Like the poems. Cool blog. Nice mix of fashion, art, and coolness

  2. Sorry, yes it's a disturbing pic. Sometimes in the TG community we try to normalize ourselves which is very necessary and very important, but sometimes we need to recognize how different we are.
